So very specific 2017 Hobby Goals:
- Weeks having painted/assembled/hobby'd > 30*
- Weeks having played miniature games > 12*
- Weeks having played board or role-playing games > 20
- Read more books => 12*
- Paint something for Adepticon
- Paint something for CMON Expo
- Painting something for NOVA Open
- Paint up 1 (of my many) Dungeon Crawl type games.
- Start my Super Secret Modelling/Painting project
- Stay within budget
For maximum efficiency, I'm sure that some of the unfinished painting projects will serve double duty for "Paint something for X" goals.
More general 2017 Hobby Goals:
- Reign in spending: Are you playing it? Are you painting it? Don't just "collect" it.
- Less kickstarters: Is it really "exclusive"? Can you really use it? Will it make it to the table? Don't just "collect" it.
- Paint more, including finishing some of my incomplete but started painting projects (lots to choose from: Infinity, Malifaux, Guild Ball, Mass Fantasy Battle, Uncharted Seas, Firestorm Armada, Dystopian Wars)
- Don't buy more miniatures than you paint. Unlikely but I should not give up on this. Hahaha, right.
- A hold over from last year since I did not paint much in 2016, (for lack of thinking of better words) find my painting "center". I need to find a speed, style and quality of painting that accomplishes what I want. Basically, I want to establish an efficient baseline to work to most of the time and at times to deviate from. Maybe later I will write something explaining my thoughts about this a little better but this post is not the place.
Just like last year, I have too many goals but hey that is just what they are. I did not call them resolutions, that just seems too absolute, too binary. Anyway, just a few weeks into the new year and I am not off to a great start. Hopefully I can get motivated soon and get rolling on these.