Friday, August 17, 2018

Konflikt 47 - American Firefly Jump Infantry

Leveraging off my existing Bolt Action American forces allowed me to jump straight to some of the "toys" that K47 introduces.  Since I knew even my BA American's were short on infantry squads (I just haven't had a desire to paint up more), I knew I needed my first K47 project to be an infantry squad and the Firefly Jump Infantry were the obvious choice (to me at least).  Truth be told, I actually did start first on some walkers before I realized that they were not what I should be focusing on.

Anyway, here they are:
Photo is a little washed out.

Not completely satisfied, but I called them done.  After all, I have another box of these guys.  I like these models and they were pretty fun to paint.  Except for the webbing, those details are not very pronounced and having to go over them 2-3 times (my color choice does not have the best single pass coverage) was excruciating.  Maybe hard to tell from the photo but the glow on the jet packs also did not turn out as well as I had hoped.  Still, good enough to move on, except some additional matte coat is needed in a few spots.

I painted these very similar to my American Bolt action infantry.  Instead of the RMS Worn Olive and RMS Faded Khaki (for the pants and jacket respectively), I used RMS Olive Drab instead for the jump suits.  I also limited the dust/mud weathering to just the boots given their nature on the battlefield and also because the knee pads already provide some visual interest in that area of the figures.