Specific Goals:
- "Weeks having painted/assembled/hobby'd > 30"
- I do not have an exact count, because it has become so frequent/normal that it does not register that often. I can only imagine a couple of weeks were I did not do any hobbying whatsoever. So I am going to unilateral say it was about 45 weeks that I "hobby'd", so goal achieved.
- "Paint something for Adepticon"
- While I intended to convert and paint more than one Hot Wheels model for a vehicular combat game, technically I only needed one for my planned events at Adepticon. You can see it here.
- "Start my Super Secret Modelling/Painting project"
- Oh boy, I cheated because this project was my vehicular combat project. There is an over arching theme to the project, the car above being one of the first. Yeah, I should have done more than one by now but I'm throwing myself a bone. Funny though, it may have been another project that I have not shown off on the blog, yet. I can't remember but I have started that one too, so either way it is a win!
- "Stay within budget"
- The early reporting from the account says I was only 5% over budget. He was beaten until he promised to re-crunch the numbers, but needless to say I am going to count this as a win because 5% is not bad. At least its not bad for me... You should see the numbers for 2013/2014. Oh my...
- "Reign in spending"
- This spans a little beyond just budget in that it covers "what" exactly I am buying and why. See the original 2017 Goals post for more details. Overall I did a bit better in this regard, with only a few lapses, and I am happy with how it turned out. I went a little off the rails at Adepticon and I may have gone off the rails with the Fallout Minis Game pre-order, but that would be it. I'm giving myself a thumbs up on this.
- "Less kickstarters"
- Oh hell, I knocked this one out of the park! I only backed one kickstarter this entire year! Granted, I backed it because I really wanted to support the person's effort and not so much with the intent to play the game. But still...
- "Paint more, including finishing some of my incomplete but started painting projects"
- Ok, I did paint more this year. Approximately 36 models (yes, it is sad that is more but it is still more!). Oddly though, I never worked on my incomplete but started projects. Hmmm.
- "Find my painting 'center'"
- I think I have actually come close to this. I'm starting to approach a speed with a corresponding result, that I think I am happy with for a tabletop quality. Yes, there are still things I need to do better, or learn how to do period, but I think by the end of the year I was achieving a pretty good rate.
Looks like you crushed your goals, Chris. I can't imagine how sorry your shortfalls must be to offset the accomplishments!