Another good month of gaming goodness. I kicked off July with a game of Gaslands at the local tap room. We had two tables going with incredible tables by Darren over at
Broken Sword Studios.
Table 1 is simply stunning. |
Table 2 is not shabby either. |
Both tables played Death Race with 5 players per table (a really great turn out). Everyone had a really great time, although I believe both games were called not long after cars finally got past the first gate. The game bogs down a bit in death race, esp with that many players. Plus pretty much everyone was new to the game. A week or two later, I got in another game of Gaslands where we played the zombie scenario, again with 5 players. Definitely a much better scenario for that many players but it does still take a while to play. All that being said, the abstractions of the game are simply amazing. For me, it gives just the right balance of simulation and simplification. Not only can I not wait to play again, I can't wait to see what Mike Hutchinson does for his next game.
With the Bolt Action league having concluded, we have transitioned to open play and gearing up for a short Konflikt '47 escalation league. Having shown up one day to work on Konflikt league rules, I got pulled into playing Bolt Action with a perspective player. I borrowed a 1250 pt Finnish tournament list (he wanted the "full" experience) and showed him the ropes. He was sold, so we added another to our ranks. I also ran another person through a 500 pt Konflikt game to acquaint her with the rules and to sate her excitement for the upcoming league.
Rounding things out, I squeezed a game of Guild Ball in on the very last day of July. I really want to love Guild Ball, but I'm just not sold. It definitely is not a bad game, although I think it should be "quicker." It's just that the game requires very good knowledge of your opponents models and requires/rewards excessive pre-measuring. Still, I will continue to give it a go a bit longer and finish up painting the models I have.
That pretty much rounds out July. I made some really good progress on painting and I will post that up soon. I'm not sure I will make either of my painting goals for the NOVA Open but I'm not sure the two events I am painting for are even going to happen due to low registration numbers. We'll see. Also August sees the kick off of two new leagues: the Konflikt '47 league I'm running and a Gaslands league. Feast or famine. lol